
Google StreetView photo service by API provide metadata request and get static image url by location (address), panorama ID or latitude & longitude

Project maintained by defro Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

This library writing in PHP make request easier to make API request to Google Street view API.


Use Composer to install this package as a requirement like this :

composer require defro/google-streetview



$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$api = new \Defro\Google\StreetView\Api($client);

Get image URL by location name

$imgUrl = $api->getImageUrlByLocation('Eiffel tower, Paris');

Get image URL by latitude and longitude

$imgUrl = $api->getImageUrlByLatitudeAndLongitude(48.8557346, 2.2976342);

Get image URL by panorama ID

$imgUrl = $api->getImageUrlByPanoramaId('CAoSLEFGMVFpcFA1SEg3dzFteWloM1JIMy1aZFl3ejBLVFBad0J4UWU0RXRWUGNm');

Get metadata

$metadata = $api->getMetadata('Forbidden City, Beijing, China');

Customize it

A lot of parameters is ready to be overwritten. This example contains values set by default.

    ->setCameraFov(90) // Determines the horizontal field of view of the image expressed in degrees
    ->setCameraPitch(0) // Specifies the up or down angle of the camera relative to the Street View vehicle expressed in degrees
    ->setHeading(0) // Indicates the compass heading of the camera. Accepted values are from 0 to 360
    ->setRadius(50) // Sets a radius, specified in meters, in which to search for a panorama, centered on the given latitude and longitude.
    ->setSource(\Defro\Google\StreetView\Api::SOURCE_OUTDOOR) // Limits Street View searches to selected sources. Valid values are: default or outdoor

Run it locally in a Docker container

You can run example script and unit tests in included Docker container, read how to do it.