
Google StreetView photo service by API provide metadata request and get static image url by location (address), panorama ID or latitude & longitude

Project maintained by defro Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

A Dockerfile included in this project allows you to run example script in html page or cli console and run unit tests.


Build container

First you need to build the container.

docker build -t google-street-view .

You must launch again this command each time you make changes in Dockerfile.

Fetch libraries with composer

And you need to fetch all needed libraries describe in composer.json file.

docker run -it --rm --name google-street-view -v "$(pwd)":/application google-street-view composer install

You must launch again this command each time you make changes in composer.json file.

Run example page

The example script will use Google Api Key found in file .env located in example directory.

Copy example file .env.dist as .env in the same directory, edit it (don’t forget to use your own Google Api Key) and save it.

Display example in your browser

docker run -it --rm --name google-street-view -v "$(pwd)":/application -p 8080:80 google-street-view

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/

Display example in your console

docker run -it --rm --name google-street-view -v "$(pwd)":/application google-street-view php example/index.php

Run unit test

docker run -it --rm --name google-street-view -v "$(pwd)":/application google-street-view composer run-script test